Untitled conversation
Python Selenium Expert
Stan Shyshkin
GPT trained on Python Selenium materials
Provide code and step by step instructions to set up a Python SeleniumBase project that is set in a docker container where it exposes an API endpoint that can scrape the full text from any URL passed it and returns the extracted text via the endpoint URL. The step by step instructions should include setting up the project on GCP so that it can be scheduled to run at specific hours daily such as 8 am to 6 pm ET. Provide instructions that are customized for Ubuntu running on Windows via WSL2.
Provide code and step by step instructions to set up a Python SeleniumBase project that is set in a docker container where it exposes an API endpoint that can scrape the full text from any URL passed it and returns the extracted text via the endpoint URL. The step by step instructions should include setting up the project on GCP so that it can be scheduled to run at specific hours daily such as 8 am to 6 pm ET. Provide instructions that are customized for Windows.