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Students and teachers (.edu or .edu.* email domains) can get basic membership at just $3.5/mo.


For casual users

$5 $4.40 / mo ($60 $52.80 / year)

Unlimited access 10 Models

Limited access 16 Models



For professional users

$10 $8.80 / mo ($120 $105.60 / year)

Unlimited access 26 Models

Limited access 10 Models



For AI enthusiasts

$17 $14.96 / mo ($204 $179.52 / year)

Unlimited access 35 Models

Limited access 1 Models


Compare all plans

Chat Models
ChatGPT 4o
ChatGPT 4o Mini
ChatGPT v3.5
Claude V3.5 Haiku
Gemini 1.5 Flash
Llama 3.2 11B
Nova Micro
Jamba 1.5 Mini
Mistral 7B Instruct
Mistral 8X7B Instruct
ChatGPT v4 Plus
Claude V3 Sonnet
Gemini 1.5 Pro
Gemini 2.0 Flash
Llama 3.2 90B
Nova Pro
Jamba 1.5 Large
Mistral Large 2
xAI Grok
ChatGPT o1 Mini
Claude V3.5 Sonnet
Llama 3.1 405B
ChatGPT o1 Preview
Arts Models
Stable Diffusion 1.5
Imagen 3 Fast
Titan V2
Imagen 3
Stable Diffusion V3.5
FLUX v1.1 Pro
Nova Canvas
Recraft V3
OmniGen V1
AI Tools
Multi AI Writer
Presentation Generator
Grade my paper
Fast art
Text to speech
Voice to text
Upload files
Create custom bots

Frequently asked questions

To update your subscription, follow these steps:

1. Click on the "Manage subscription" button

2. Click on the "Update plan" button

3. Select a plan and click "Continue."

4. Click the "Confirm" button
To cancel your subscription, follow these steps:

1. Click on the "Manage subscription" button

2. Click on the "Cancel subscription" button

3. Click on "Cancel subscription" button.

4. Choose reason and click the "Submit" button
Click on Manage subscription to access your past invoice.
Each AI model has its own strength and weakness. You can check out our AI model comparison table to decide with AI model to try out.
ChatGPT is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. You can use it at ChatbotsPlace provides more than just ChatGPT. We also support chatbots and AI image generation tools from other companies. We allow you to use many different AI tools with a single subscription.
You can use ChatbotsPlace to talk to ChatGPT up to 10 times. After that you will need to wait a few hours before using it again. Subscribing to our membership subscription plan will allow you to have unlimited conversation without waiting.
If you are not satisfied with our membership subscription, please reach out to us at [email protected] within 3 days for a full refund. After 3 days, we may still offer partial / full refund for legitimate reasons.
To ensure our unlimited plans, intended for individual users, remain abuse-free and competitively priced, we're enforcing 30 messages limit per AI model within a 30-minute window. This change is expected to impact less than 1% of genuine users while curbing 90% of abusive usage.
If you already have an auto-renew subscription, it will be cancelled when you subscribe to a new subscription, and you will get a prorated refunds on the remaining time of your existing subscription. If your existing subscription does not have auto-renewal, then the best active subscription will be used until it expires, but you will not receive a refund automatically. You may contact us at [email protected] to request a manual refund.
A token is a text unit, like a word or part of one. In English: 1 word is about 1.3 tokens. In Chinese: 1 character is about 1.2 tokens. When the input exceeded the input token limit, some older chat history may be lost, or the input message may fail to process. When the output exceeded the output token limit, the response may fail to generate, or it may be cutoff in the middle of a sentence.