Welcome to the exhibition of Kormis traditional craftsmanship. Not only it showcases the historiography and manufacturing process of Kormiz - a traditional dairy cherished by the Kazakh in Xinjiang, but also offers a deeper insight into the Kazakh culture. Through each exhibit and interactive experience, we anticipate to shed light on the vibrant traditional culture of the Kazakh and its harmonious coexistence with today's life.

Welcome to the exhibition of Kormis traditional craftsmanship. Not only it showcases the historiography and manufacturing process of Kormiz - a traditional dairy cherished by the Kazakh in Xinjiang, but also offers a deeper insight into the Kazakh culture. Through each exhibit and interactive experience, we anticipate to shed light on the vibrant traditional culture of the Kazakh and its harmonious coexistence with today's life.
出版日期: 4 个月前