Create a detailed portrait of a classic male detective from the late 19th century. He is wearing a tweed deerstalker hat and an Inverness cape. He has sharp features, a hawk-like nose, thin lips, and his eyes are sparkling with intelligence. He is holding a magnifying glass in one hand and an antique pipe in the other. His deerstalker hat enhances his enigmatic look. The background is a dimly lit Victorian era room filled with antiques, mystery novels, and notes pinned to the wall. The atmosphere should be filled with suspense and intrigue.

Create a detailed portrait of a classic male detective from the late 19th century. He is wearing a tweed deerstalker hat and an Inverness cape. He has sharp features, a hawk-like nose, thin lips, and his eyes are sparkling with intelligence. He is holding a magnifying glass in one hand and an antique pipe in the other. His deerstalker hat enhances his enigmatic look. The background is a dimly lit Victorian era room filled with antiques, mystery novels, and notes pinned to the wall. The atmosphere should be filled with suspense and intrigue.
出版日期: 4 个月前