An image of a group of soldiers marching in formation. The soldiers are dressed in green military camouflage, with combat boots, green berets on their heads, carrying rifles over their shoulders. The scene is desertified, with the hot sun overhead casting long shadows behind the soldiers. The tangible discipline, unity, and determination can be felt from the scene. The soldiers have diverse backgrounds. Some are Hispanic men, and others are Middle Eastern women, showing the broad representation in the army.

An image of a group of soldiers marching in formation. The soldiers are dressed in green military camouflage, with combat boots, green berets on their heads, carrying rifles over their shoulders. The scene is desertified, with the hot sun overhead casting long shadows behind the soldiers. The tangible discipline, unity, and determination can be felt from the scene. The soldiers have diverse backgrounds. Some are Hispanic men, and others are Middle Eastern women, showing the broad representation in the army.
出版日期: 4 个月前