Welcome to a traditional Kormis craftsmanship exhibition hall. This inviting space is not only showcasing the history and manufacturing techniques of Kormis - a prized traditional dairy product treasured by the Kazakh people of Xinjiang but also offers a deep dive into Kazakh culture. Through each exhibit and interactive experience, the rich and diverse traditional culture of the Kazakhs and its harmonious coexistence with modern life is depicted.

Welcome to a traditional Kormis craftsmanship exhibition hall. This inviting space is not only showcasing the history and manufacturing techniques of Kormis - a prized traditional dairy product treasured by the Kazakh people of Xinjiang but also offers a deep dive into Kazakh culture. Through each exhibit and interactive experience, the rich and diverse traditional culture of the Kazakhs and its harmonious coexistence with modern life is depicted.
出版日期: 4 个月前