A small piece of polyurethane nanofiber web, created using the electrospinning technique. The nanofibers are intertwined, creating a complex, high-surface-area structure. The colors of the fibers can reflect the influence of the electrospinning process. The piece is delicate, reflecting the lightweight and thin nature of the polyurethane. The background should be contrasting and clean, to showcase the intricate structure of the nanofiber web.

A small piece of polyurethane nanofiber web, created using the electrospinning technique. The nanofibers are intertwined, creating a complex, high-surface-area structure. The colors of the fibers can reflect the influence of the electrospinning process. The piece is delicate, reflecting the lightweight and thin nature of the polyurethane. The background should be contrasting and clean, to showcase the intricate structure of the nanofiber web.
出版日期: 3 个月前