Design an image portraying an interactive music experience zone. In the first area, titled 'Wave Burst: The Lung-Power King Microphone', users challenge their lung capacity by singing songs without losing breath, looking for the artist with a strong lung capacity. In the next direction, titled 'Fresh Air Training Camp', dangerous aspects like pollution, drowsiness, dry throat, confusion, pollen allergies, and smog are represented as targets for fresh air to combat. The third corner is dedicated to fresh air, serving as a peaceful breathing space.

Design an image portraying an interactive music experience zone. In the first area, titled 'Wave Burst: The Lung-Power King Microphone', users challenge their lung capacity by singing songs without losing breath, looking for the artist with a strong lung capacity. In the next direction, titled 'Fresh Air Training Camp', dangerous aspects like pollution, drowsiness, dry throat, confusion, pollen allergies, and smog are represented as targets for fresh air to combat. The third corner is dedicated to fresh air, serving as a peaceful breathing space.
出版日期: 4 个月前