Imagine an experience zone designed as a cloud-shaped cabin featuring a white fresh-air conditioning unit by an anonymous home appliances manufacturer. The interior of the hut is adorned with sky blue and nature-inspired green hues, furnished with plants and comfortable seats to offer a peaceful retreat amidst the noise of a music festival. This set-up epitomizes a refreshing atmosphere, akin to being adrift amongst clouds. Clean air, rich in negative ions, is circulated via the fresh-air conditioner, allowing visitors to experience the sensation of 'fresh oxygen caressing their faces'>. A feature that could be included is a real-time display of 'Fresh Air Index', illustrating the effectiveness of the fresh-air conditioner in improving air quality.

Imagine an experience zone designed as a cloud-shaped cabin featuring a white fresh-air conditioning unit by an anonymous home appliances manufacturer. The interior of the hut is adorned with sky blue and nature-inspired green hues, furnished with plants and comfortable seats to offer a peaceful retreat amidst the noise of a music festival. This set-up epitomizes a refreshing atmosphere, akin to being adrift amongst clouds. Clean air, rich in negative ions, is circulated via the fresh-air conditioner, allowing visitors to experience the sensation of 'fresh oxygen caressing their faces'>. A feature that could be included is a real-time display of 'Fresh Air Index', illustrating the effectiveness of the fresh-air conditioner in improving air quality.
出版日期: 4 个月前