Imagine a scene of an interactive experience taking place. A Komoz cheese-making workshop is in progress under the guidance of a professional instructor, with tourists enthusiastically participating, each making their own Komoz cheese. In another part of the space, a cultural exchange event is taking place. A cultural salon is being regularly hosted where scholars and tourists are invited to discuss the cultural significance of Komoz dairy products. The atmosphere is filled with the spirit of learning and collaboration.

Imagine a scene of an interactive experience taking place. A Komoz cheese-making workshop is in progress under the guidance of a professional instructor, with tourists enthusiastically participating, each making their own Komoz cheese. In another part of the space, a cultural exchange event is taking place. A cultural salon is being regularly hosted where scholars and tourists are invited to discuss the cultural significance of Komoz dairy products. The atmosphere is filled with the spirit of learning and collaboration.
出版日期: 4 个月前