Create a detailed 8K image of a hand-drawn bulletin with the major theme being 'culture of scholastic atmosphere'. The bulletin should be filled with representative elements of a vibrant, knowledge-rich campus such as books, quill pens, ink reservoirs, scrolls, and glasses. Include drawings of students from various descents and genders like Caucasian female, Hispanic male, Middle-Eastern female, South Asian male, engaging in academic activities like reading, writing, brainstorming, and discussing. Let the dominant colors be vibrant and lively, signifying an environment conducive to learning and exchange of ideas.

Create a detailed 8K image of a hand-drawn bulletin with the major theme being 'culture of scholastic atmosphere'. The bulletin should be filled with representative elements of a vibrant, knowledge-rich campus such as books, quill pens, ink reservoirs, scrolls, and glasses. Include drawings of students from various descents and genders like Caucasian female, Hispanic male, Middle-Eastern female, South Asian male, engaging in academic activities like reading, writing, brainstorming, and discussing. Let the dominant colors be vibrant and lively, signifying an environment conducive to learning and exchange of ideas.
AI Model: DALL·E V3
Published: 5 months ago