Generate an image depicting a scene where everyone is a programmer. In the foreground, there are two people: an Asian woman and a Middle Eastern man. They are sitting at their desks, working on multiple computer screens filled with code. In the background, a group of programmers of various descents – a Caucasian woman, a Hispanic man, a Black woman, and a South Asian man – are having a stand-up meeting around a whiteboard. The room is filled with the buzz of conversations, the clicking of keyboards, and the hum of computers.

Generate an image depicting a scene where everyone is a programmer. In the foreground, there are two people: an Asian woman and a Middle Eastern man. They are sitting at their desks, working on multiple computer screens filled with code. In the background, a group of programmers of various descents – a Caucasian woman, a Hispanic man, a Black woman, and a South Asian man – are having a stand-up meeting around a whiteboard. The room is filled with the buzz of conversations, the clicking of keyboards, and the hum of computers.
出版日期: 4 个月前