Concept diagram of a program called 'Solution'. Its main method is 'numDecodings', which takes a string 's' as input and returns an integer. The method has the components as follows: a set of integer strings called 'legalStr' from 1 to 26, an integer 'ans' initialized to zero. Another function 'dfs' takes 's', increments 'ans' by one and returns if length of 's' is zero. If the first character of 's' is in 'legalStr', 'dfs' is called again cutting off the first character of 's'. If 's' has more than one character and its first two characters are in 'legalStr', 'dfs' is called cutting off the first two characters of 's'. Finally, 'dfs' is invoked with 's'. The return value is 'ans'.

Concept diagram of a program called 'Solution'. Its main method is 'numDecodings', which takes a string 's' as input and returns an integer. The method has the components as follows: a set of integer strings called 'legalStr' from 1 to 26, an integer 'ans' initialized to zero. Another function 'dfs' takes 's', increments 'ans' by one and returns if length of 's' is zero. If the first character of 's' is in 'legalStr', 'dfs' is called again cutting off the first character of 's'. If 's' has more than one character and its first two characters are in 'legalStr', 'dfs' is called cutting off the first two characters of 's'. Finally, 'dfs' is invoked with 's'. The return value is 'ans'.
出版日期: 3 个月前