A detailed oil painting of the Eiffel Tower. The iconic French structure stands majestic during the day under a clear sky. Its iron lattice work, standing tall, casts a long shadow over the surrounding landscape. Be sure to capture the intricate balance of light and shadow. The surrounding area is bustling with people of all descents and genders, giving life to the scene. Nearby trees sway gently with the wind, adding a touch of green to the painting

A detailed oil painting of the Eiffel Tower. The iconic French structure stands majestic during the day under a clear sky. Its iron lattice work, standing tall, casts a long shadow over the surrounding landscape. Be sure to capture the intricate balance of light and shadow. The surrounding area is bustling with people of all descents and genders, giving life to the scene. Nearby trees sway gently with the wind, adding a touch of green to the painting
出版日期: 4 个月前