A group of people, with diverse ethnic backgrounds such as Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, Middle-Eastern, and South Asian, are ridiculing a person. They are all dressed in contemporary casual clothing. One person is singled out and the others are laughing and pointing their fingers at this individual. The scene has a tense and mocking vibe, however, it remains full of light-hearted jest rather than malicious intent. Emphasize the expressions on all their faces to capture the specific mood of mockery and jest. The background should be a generic urban setting, such as a park or city street, under a daylight setting.

A group of people, with diverse ethnic backgrounds such as Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, Middle-Eastern, and South Asian, are ridiculing a person. They are all dressed in contemporary casual clothing. One person is singled out and the others are laughing and pointing their fingers at this individual. The scene has a tense and mocking vibe, however, it remains full of light-hearted jest rather than malicious intent. Emphasize the expressions on all their faces to capture the specific mood of mockery and jest. The background should be a generic urban setting, such as a park or city street, under a daylight setting.
出版日期: 4 个月前