Create an image featuring a martial artist with a lean physique and distinctive Eastern style, positioned within an ancient Roman setting. Let the character have jet black hair, be wearing a traditional Chinese martial arts uniform, and possess an intense, focused expression. The surrounding environment should convey the grandeur of ancient Rome, with recognizable landmarks such as the Colosseum, legionnaires in marching formation, sculptures, pillars, and frescoes in the background.

Create an image featuring a martial artist with a lean physique and distinctive Eastern style, positioned within an ancient Roman setting. Let the character have jet black hair, be wearing a traditional Chinese martial arts uniform, and possess an intense, focused expression. The surrounding environment should convey the grandeur of ancient Rome, with recognizable landmarks such as the Colosseum, legionnaires in marching formation, sculptures, pillars, and frescoes in the background.
出版日期: 4 个月前