Create an 8K image of a large, hand-drawn poster. The theme of the poster is 'Campus full of book fragrance'. It should feature a picturesque view of a college campus alive with students, speculated diversity in this case including Caucasian, Black, and Middle Eastern peers. The scene carries an ambiance of knowledge and Intellectual pursuit. Near the library, students are reading under a tree, enthusiastic discussion groups are happening in open spaces, and poems or quotes praising the worth of books and knowledge are artfully incorporated into the design. The poster embodies a classic style of hand-drawn illustrations.

Create an 8K image of a large, hand-drawn poster. The theme of the poster is 'Campus full of book fragrance'. It should feature a picturesque view of a college campus alive with students, speculated diversity in this case including Caucasian, Black, and Middle Eastern peers. The scene carries an ambiance of knowledge and Intellectual pursuit. Near the library, students are reading under a tree, enthusiastic discussion groups are happening in open spaces, and poems or quotes praising the worth of books and knowledge are artfully incorporated into the design. The poster embodies a classic style of hand-drawn illustrations.
AI Model: DALL·E V3
Published: 5 months ago