A visual representation of a culturally diverse exhibition. The exhibition consists of several sections. The first is an exhibition of a set of Kormoz ceramic wine utensils, inspired by traditional Kazakh craftsmanship, created collaboratively by renowned artists and ceramicists from around the world. The second section is a DIY brewing experience zone where visitors can personally brew Kormoz and experience the complete process from production to tasting. The third is a clothing and accessories area displaying clothing and accessories that blend traditional Kazakh patterns with modern design, symbolizing a fashionable interpretation of Kazakh culture. The fourth is an area for displaying art pieces and illustrations by artists and illustrators from different backgrounds, all created around the theme of Kormoz. Lastly, there is an area dedicated to special recipes and cultural stories related to Kormoz and Kazakh food customs, presented through vivid images and text.

A visual representation of a culturally diverse exhibition. The exhibition consists of several sections. The first is an exhibition of a set of Kormoz ceramic wine utensils, inspired by traditional Kazakh craftsmanship, created collaboratively by renowned artists and ceramicists from around the world. The second section is a DIY brewing experience zone where visitors can personally brew Kormoz and experience the complete process from production to tasting. The third is a clothing and accessories area displaying clothing and accessories that blend traditional Kazakh patterns with modern design, symbolizing a fashionable interpretation of Kazakh culture. The fourth is an area for displaying art pieces and illustrations by artists and illustrators from different backgrounds, all created around the theme of Kormoz. Lastly, there is an area dedicated to special recipes and cultural stories related to Kormoz and Kazakh food customs, presented through vivid images and text.
出版日期: 4 个月前