give me some reviews to know more about ID1 such as what is its function in cancer.

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ID1 (Inhibitor of DNA binding 1) is a protein that is known to play a critical role in cancer development and progression. Here are some reviews that you can read to learn more about ID1 and its function in cancer: 1. "The ID proteins: master regulators of cancer stem cells and tumour aggressiveness" by Aditi Singh and David P. Lane, published in the Nature Reviews Cancer journal. This review discusses the role of ID proteins in cancer stem cells and how they promote tumor aggressiveness. 2. "ID1: a common denominator of cancer and stemness" by Paulo Ribeiro de Melo, published in the Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences journal. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the role of ID1 in cancer and stemness, and highlights its potential as a therapeutic target. 3. "ID1 in Cancer Therapy: Rescuing the Undruggable" by Manon Van Engeland, published in the Cancers journal. This review discusses the challenges in targeting ID1 as a therapeutic strategy, and proposes alternative approaches to target ID1 in cancer. 4. "ID proteins in cancer progression and metastasis" by Stephen Wong and Ka-Fai To, published in the Seminars in Cancer Biology journal. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the role of ID proteins in cancer progression and metastasis, and highlights the potential of ID proteins as therapeutic targets. These reviews provide a comprehensive overview of the role of ID1 in cancer development and progression, and can help you better understand its function in this disease.
Published: a year ago