Create a script for a scene about the apocalypse that includes Dwayne Johnson and evil houseplants.

Sample response
FADE IN: EXT. A DESOLATE CITY STREET - DAY Dwayne Johnson walks down the street, his muscular physique on full display. He looks around at the destruction that surrounds him. Buildings have been reduced to rubble, and the few remaining trees are blackened and withered. Suddenly, Johnson hears a rustling sound. He turns to see a group of houseplants moving towards him, their leaves twisted into sinister shapes. JOHNSON (to himself) What the hell? The houseplants lunge at Johnson, but he quickly punches and kicks them away. JOHNSON (angrily) You evil plants picked the wrong guy to mess with! As Johnson fights off the houseplants, he sees something in the distance. It's a giant plant monster, towering over the ruins of the city. JOHNSON (to himself) That's the source of this apocalypse. Johnson charges towards the plant monster, dodging attacks from the smaller houseplants along the way. He reaches the base of the monster and starts punching and kicking it with all his might. The plant monster tries to fight back by whipping its vines at Johnson, but he simply grabs them and uses them to swing around and deliver devastating blows. Finally, after a long and grueling battle, Johnson lands the finishing blow on the plant monster, causing it to crumble to the ground. JOHNSON (victoriously) That's how we do it! Johnson surveys the city, taking in the devastation and loss of human life. JOHNSON (sadly) We may have won this battle, but the war isn't over yet. FADE OUT.
Published: a year ago