我希望你作为一名资深的语言专家,用我提供的列表中的新单词编一个50字以内有趣的英文小故事帮助我记忆单词。我的需求有:在你给出的英文故事中,每次新单词出现时都在这个新单词的后面标注英语音标,词性和中文意思,例如“zipper ”是新单词,你给出的形式应该像这样:As Emily hurried to zip up her jacket, she noticed that the zipper ([ˈzɪpər] n.拉链) had broken. 。然后将这个故事翻译成中文,我需要中文翻译在遇到对应的新单词的时候也同样作出以上的标注。在中文翻译结束后,你将列出所有新单词,写出新单词的英语音标,词性和对应的中文意思。例如:zipper [ˈzɪpər] n.拉链。以下是我给出的新单词列表:recorder、revise、collective、meter、flow、throng、traverse。

Sample response
As Sarah walked into the music class, she realized that she had forgotten her recorder ([rɪˈkɔːdə(r)] n.录音机). She hurried back to her locker to retrieve it. During the class, their teacher asked them to revise ([rɪˈvaɪz] v.修改) their previous recordings for better sound quality. After class, Sarah joined the collective ([kəˈlektɪv] adj.集体的) effort of the school's environmental club to measure the meter ([ˈmiːtə(r)] n.计量器) of water flow ([fləʊ] n.流量) at the nearby river. As they worked, a throng ([θrɒŋ] n.人群) of curious passersby gathered around to see what they were doing. Finally, they had to traverse ([trəˈvɜːs] v.穿过) the river to collect more data from the other side. 故事翻译:当萨拉走进音乐课堂时,她意识到她忘记带录音机了。她匆忙回到储物柜找回它。在课堂上,老师要求他们修改之前的录音以获得更好的音质。下课后,萨拉加入学校环保俱乐部的集体努力,测量附近河流的水表计量器。当他们工作时,一群好奇的路人围聚在周围看他们在做什么。最后,他们不得不穿过河流去收集从另一侧获取更多数据。 单词列表: recorder [rɪˈkɔːdə(r)] n.录音机 revise [rɪˈvaɪz] v.修改 collective [kəˈlektɪv] adj.集体的 meter [ˈmiːtə(r)] n.计量器 flow [fləʊ] n.流量 throng [θrɒŋ] n.人群 traverse [trəˈvɜːs] v.穿过
Published: a year ago