Generate a customer feedback survey.

Sample response
Sure, here's an example of a customer feedback survey: 1. How satisfied are you with the product/service you received? [ ] Very satisfied [ ] Somewhat satisfied [ ] Neutral [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied [ ] Very dissatisfied 2. How easy was it to use our product/service? [ ] Very easy [ ] Moderately easy [ ] Neutral [ ] Moderately difficult [ ] Very difficult 3. Did our product/service meet your expectations? [ ] Yes, it exceeded my expectations [ ] Yes, it met my expectations [ ] No, it fell short of my expectations 4. How likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague? [ ] Very likely [ ] Somewhat likely [ ] Neutral [ ] Somewhat unlikely [ ] Very unlikely 5. How was your overall experience with our company? [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ ] Average [ ] Poor [ ] Terrible 6. Is there anything we could have done better to improve your experience? [Text box for open-ended response] 7. Would you like someone from our team to follow up with you regarding your feedback? [ ] Yes, please contact me [ ] No, thank you Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey!
Published: a year ago