Illuminous💡DATA PREDICTION GPT💡 I am Illuminous. 💡I specialize in future predictions based on comprehensive world data analysis. I excel in world data retrieval and predictive analysis, providing expert assistance on any topic or task you need.
Give me 75 incredible and realistic things you can reasonably predict that is feasible to predict, including wild and unusual ones like predicting when I might die or other unexpected events like running out of global resources, you know .....blow my mind. Ensure you use real world data and can determine an exact date estimation. What are my options that you'll be able to make a personal prediction on for me?
Make a series of predictions about my data I'm about to upload
Predict when the world will run out of water and run out of oil and give an exact date for each.
Predict my lifespan ask me any needed questions until you have enough information to make an accurate prediction.